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Path in formulas

  1. #1

    Path in formulas

    Is there anyway to have Excel not put the path in a formula when renaming a
    file. I have some large long IF statements in my workbook and when I save
    the file in a different directory and then try to reopen, I get a "formula is
    too long" error. These functions are linked to other spreadsheets on
    different drives. Can someone please help?

  2. #2
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Path in formulas


    Sorry, but no. The way around this is to put each link into a separate cell, then make your formula
    using only those local cells.

    MS Excel MVP

    "Rob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Is there anyway to have Excel not put the path in a formula when renaming a
    > file. I have some large long IF statements in my workbook and when I save
    > the file in a different directory and then try to reopen, I get a "formula is
    > too long" error. These functions are linked to other spreadsheets on
    > different drives. Can someone please help?

  3. #3
    John Keith

    Re: Path in formulas

    Bernie, could you put the references into a named-range...


    =[c:\documents and settings\myname\my

    then the formulas would use the shorter name "LogRange" to represent that


    "Bernie Deitrick" wrote:

    > Rob,
    > Sorry, but no. The way around this is to put each link into a separate cell, then make your formula
    > using only those local cells.
    > HTH,
    > Bernie
    > MS Excel MVP
    > "Rob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Is there anyway to have Excel not put the path in a formula when renaming a
    > > file. I have some large long IF statements in my workbook and when I save
    > > the file in a different directory and then try to reopen, I get a "formula is
    > > too long" error. These functions are linked to other spreadsheets on
    > > different drives. Can someone please help?


  4. #4
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Path in formulas


    I don't know, because I personally prefer to not use complex names. I think they make it harder to
    understand a workbook and maintain it.

    But it may work, though I would certainly test to see what happens when the "myOthersheet" file is
    saved under a different name.

    MS Excel MVP

    "John Keith" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Bernie, could you put the references into a named-range...
    > RangeName:
    > LogRange
    > RefersTo:
    > =[c:\documents and settings\myname\my
    > documents\myOthersheet.xls]Logs!$A$1:$H$10
    > then the formulas would use the shorter name "LogRange" to represent that
    > link?
    > --
    > Regards,
    > John
    > "Bernie Deitrick" wrote:
    >> Rob,
    >> Sorry, but no. The way around this is to put each link into a separate cell, then make your
    >> formula
    >> using only those local cells.
    >> HTH,
    >> Bernie
    >> MS Excel MVP
    >> "Rob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >> > Is there anyway to have Excel not put the path in a formula when renaming a
    >> > file. I have some large long IF statements in my workbook and when I save
    >> > the file in a different directory and then try to reopen, I get a "formula is
    >> > too long" error. These functions are linked to other spreadsheets on
    >> > different drives. Can someone please help?


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