Hi folks,

I have two sets of three checkboxes on two different worksheets (in the same workbook) that I need displaying the same information.

I tried linking both corresponding checkboxes to the same cell, but I wasn't able to link them to a cell in another worksheet. I tried linking them to local cells and using formulas in the cell to keep the checkboxes in sync. But that only worked one way. This is my most recent attempt, which also resulted in not working.

'Sheet2 code
Private Sub ocb_click()
Cells(11, "a") = "='sheet1'!$A$11"
End Sub

'Sheet1 code
Function clickKeyCB()
Dim x As Boolean
x = Cells(11, "A"): x = (x + 3) Mod 2: Cells(11, "A") = x
End Function

The code seemed to work, but for some reason, even though both checkboxes are both still linked to their corresponding A11 cell, the checkbox's value does not change between true or false.

Any ideas? Maybe I am going about this the wrong way, I'm all ears to any suggestions.