This may not be an appropriate question for this forum, since it doesn't concern VBA, but I didn't know where best to post it.

I generate a fair number of Excel files using Perl. I generate the file with Perl, I open it for the first time in Excel, I make some changes in Excel, and then when I go to close the file (or when I hit "save" to save changes), a window pops up and says "save file as" (with the correct name in that window) and the "file type" window is always set as "text tab delimited". And then each time, I change the file type to Excel Worksheet and then hit save, and I get the "a file with this name already exists here - do you want to replace it?" message. And of course the file that already exists there is the same file that I'm working on. So basically, the first time that I open a file that I generate with Perl, Excel thinks that I have opened a brand new blank document (text tab delimited, for some reason) and just pasted in all this stuff and now need to decide whether or not to save this new file. Is there something I can do to get around this?

