We have put a small RTD server together, which is broadcasting info from one
workbook to another. The problem we are facing seems to be a thread issue
when the callback is attempted to the server.

If the server is unable to process the request we are getting the following

[2576] ERROR Listener [(null)] - Listener.StartListener
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8001010A): The message filter
indicated that the application is busy.
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.IRTDUpdateEvent.UpdateNotify()
at Client.ListenerCallBack(String topic, String value)
at Client.Listener.Start()


If an exception gets sent up to the main excel thread, why does the server
not try to reconnect to the topic? (The user has to delete and recover the
excel RTD formula for the server to restart.)

Is it best to swallow these type of errors and not send it up to the calling
main thread?

Thanks in advance!