I have written a class that when instanced, represents product information
or a product line. I am working with MS Office 2003 and Windows XP Pro.

Inside the Class_Initialize() .. I have the following code:


Set ProductList = Workbooks.Open("C:\Program Files\MLO Tools\" &

.... other code

ProductList.Close SaveChanges:=False

Set ProductList = Nothing


So I open a file, strip out the info, then close the file.

Even after the code closes the file, the workbook reference and all its
objects (sheet1, thisworkbook) stay in the VBA project explorer. If I run
this program 5 times, there are 5 references to the workbook;
Each reference displays a dialog "OUT OF MEMORY" if I try to open it. Then
the OUT OF MEMORY issue prevails, evenif I try to type new code.

Does anybody have any clue why this is happening.