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Generic pivot table data organizer?

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  1. #1

    Generic pivot table data organizer?


    I have a table of the format of table 1 below that I need to get into
    the format of table 2 below ready for being used as a pivot table. The
    actual data set I'm using is MUCH bigger than this, and the thought of
    doing this manually makes me shudder. I'm about to roll up my sleeves
    to write some code to do it, but I can't help thinking someone must
    have written some generic solution to this problem. Anyone ever come
    across something like this?

    Thanks in advance,


    Table 1: BEFORE
    Number Name Age Weight Gender
    1 A 10 88 M
    2 B 11 193 F
    3 C 16 120 M
    4 D 14 221 M
    5 E 28 142 F
    6 F 27 68 F
    7 G 42 142 M
    8 H 10 176 M
    9 I 31 107 F
    10 J 26 135 F
    11 K 48 212 F
    12 L 8 222 M
    13 M 0 159 M

    Number Name Info InfoValue
    1 A Age 10
    2 B Age 11
    3 C Age 16
    4 D Age 14
    5 E Age 28
    6 F Age 27
    7 G Age 42
    8 H Age 10
    9 I Age 31
    10 J Age 26
    11 K Age 48
    12 L Age 8
    13 M Age 0
    1 A Weight 88
    2 B Weight 193
    3 C Weight 120
    4 D Weight 221
    5 E Weight 142
    6 F Weight 68
    7 G Weight 142
    8 H Weight 176
    9 I Weight 107
    10 J Weight 135
    11 K Weight 212
    12 L Weight 222
    13 M Weight 159
    1 A Gender M
    2 B Gender F
    3 C Gender M
    4 D Gender M
    5 E Gender F
    6 F Gender F
    7 G Gender M
    8 H Gender M
    9 I Gender F
    10 J Gender F
    11 K Gender F
    12 L Gender M
    13 M Gender M

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    The data conversion you describe is similar to having a budget worksheet with accounts down the left hand side and months across the top and needing to convert it to a single column of values with a column containing the date for the value.
    The Access SQL below performed this task. I assume you could use a similar technique to recast your data. The source was a table called 'data' and its column headings were Account, Org, Project, Account_name and then 12 columns of Mth01 to Mth12.

    SELECT Data.Account,Data.Org,Data.Project,Data.Account_Name,'01/07/2005' as [month], Mth01 as Budget
    FROM Data
    union all
    SELECT Data.Account,Data.Org,Data.Project,Data.Account_Name,'01/08/2005', Mth02
    FROM Data
    SELECT Data.Account,Data.Org,Data.Project,Data.Account_Name,'01/09/2005', Mth03
    FROM Data
    UNION ALL SELECT Data.Account,Data.Org,Data.Project,Data.Account_Name,'01/06/2006', Mth12
    FROM Data;

    I can not understand what kind of pivot table requirement would require the sort of transformation of the underlying data in the way you describe. Care to share?


  3. #3

    Re: Generic pivot table data organizer?

    Thanks Steven,

    First of all, thanks for the SQL idea - I may pursue it if I'm wrong
    about the following:

    I think in this case at least, you're right, I don't need to rearrange
    the data at all. What I was trying to do was have Age and Weight, for
    example, as separate series with Name on the category axis. By
    arranging the table as in table2, I could just drag the Info field to
    the series slot, the values into the Data Items area, and that worked
    fine. When I tried the same using Table 1, and dragging Age, say, to
    the series box, Excel was trying to plot each individual value as a
    series. However, with your prompting I tried a few things and found
    that if I dragged Age and Weight into the Data Items field, that works
    just the same. Which I now realise is the more obvious way of using a
    pivottable. Hopefully the same will hold for my more complex example. I
    seem to have a knack for making the simple more complicated than it is!



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