
I have been googleling around for a whole day without coming to a conclusion with this issue.

I am trying to import a CSV-file (semicolon seperated values). I have tried and tried with all sollutions I have found but nothing works. It still imports it with all the semicolons and does not seperate the fields.

I have tried this:
Workbooks.Open "C:\test\Planner.csv", , , , xlCSV, , , , ";"
Workbooks.Open FileName:=C:\test\Planner.csv, Format:=xlCSV, _
Delimiter:=";", ReadOnly:=True

Neither works. I have also tried to change the ";" to the number for semicolon and that didn't work either.

This works:
Shell "Excel.exe " & "C:\test\Planner.csv", vbMinimizedNoFocus
But the problem is when I open the document this way I dont get the link requiered for my VBA module to work.

Please, please, please help a desperate man!
