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formating data once

  1. #1
    Nicole Seibert

    formating data once

    Question: Is there any way to set the formatting once (e.g. for row height,
    and column width) so that when I transfer data into 100 or so different
    user's sheets it all looks the same? I am trying to avoid cutting and
    pasting the 20 or so lines of column/row formatting into the 100 or so sheets
    of user interface.

  2. #2

    RE: formating data once

    This is one example:
    For i = 1 To Cells(8, 1).CurrentRegion.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    Sheets("Target").Columns(i).ColumnWidth =
    Next i

    Hope it helps.

    "Nicole Seibert" wrote:

    > Question: Is there any way to set the formatting once (e.g. for row height,
    > and column width) so that when I transfer data into 100 or so different
    > user's sheets it all looks the same? I am trying to avoid cutting and
    > pasting the 20 or so lines of column/row formatting into the 100 or so sheets
    > of user interface.
    > Thanks,
    > Nicole

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