
I need an XL Charting tip ...

I have an example of what is working for me - and an example where I
need help.

The point of the first example is to give an indication of the tip I

''''' What Works Great '''''''

I have the following data in a worksheet

rr bb 60
bb 80
dd cc 90
cc 100

Where using the Chart Wizard generates a footer that looks like this :

| bb | rr | cc | cc |
| rr | dd |

Which works great.

''''' Where I Need Help ''''''

When the data in the worksheet looks like this (singleton case)

rr bb 60

Using the Chart Wizard generates a footer that looks like this :


I want it to be consistent with the great-working example and to look
like this:

| bb |
| rr |



I'm building the Charts with VBA so a VBA solution is OK.
