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Sheets(array(aryMySheets)).Copy problem!!

  1. #1

    Sheets(array(aryMySheets)).Copy problem!!


    I've got some code which runs through some cells to compile a list of
    sheets within a workbook that I want to copy out into a separate

    I've been compiling a string of the relevant worksheet names that I
    want, but when I pass this string through
    sheets(array(aryMySheets)).Copy I get an error.


    Dim aryMySheets as string
    [code to loop through sheets which gives me a strPrintSheet comes here]

    If arySheets = "" Then
    arySheets = chr(34) & strPrintSheet & chr(34)
    arySheets = arySheets & ", " & chr(34) & strPrintSheet & chr(34)
    End If
    'Therefore this gives me the following string as arySheets:-
    [back into for..next loop]

    'This is where the error occurs - subscript out of range (and yes, the
    sheet names are right!)

    I could do each sheet one by one into a specifically named workbook,
    but I would have to rework some other code which I use generically for
    a similar application that only requires a single sheet name to work,
    so I'd like to avoid this if possible.

    An example I have seen from Tom O gives something like varr =
    Evaluate("{""" & arySheets & """}") but I get an error 2015 from that.

    Any help gratefully received!!


  2. #2
    Jim Cone

    Re: Sheets(array(aryMySheets)).Copy problem!!

    This seems to work...
    Sub MoveThemOut()
    Dim strArray() As String
    Dim lngCount As Long
    Dim lngN As Long
    lngCount = Sheets.Count
    ReDim strArray(1 To lngCount)

    lngCount = 0
    For lngN = 1 To Sheets.Count
    If InStr(1, Sheets(lngN).Name, "Cost_centre") Then
    lngCount = lngCount + 1
    strArray(lngCount) = Sheets(lngN).Name
    End If

    ReDim Preserve strArray(1 To lngCount)
    End Sub

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    I've got some code which runs through some cells to compile a list of
    sheets within a workbook that I want to copy out into a separate
    I've been compiling a string of the relevant worksheet names that I
    want, but when I pass this string through
    sheets(array(aryMySheets)).Copy I get an error.

    Dim aryMySheets as string
    [code to loop through sheets which gives me a strPrintSheet comes here]

    If arySheets = "" Then
    arySheets = chr(34) & strPrintSheet & chr(34)
    arySheets = arySheets & ", " & chr(34) & strPrintSheet & chr(34)
    End If
    'Therefore this gives me the following string as arySheets:-
    [back into for..next loop]

    'This is where the error occurs - subscript out of range (and yes, the
    sheet names are right!)

    I could do each sheet one by one into a specifically named workbook,
    but I would have to rework some other code which I use generically for
    a similar application that only requires a single sheet name to work,
    so I'd like to avoid this if possible.
    An example I have seen from Tom O gives something like varr =
    Evaluate("{""" & arySheets & """}") but I get an error 2015 from that.
    Any help gratefully received!!

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