Hi everyone,

Before I explain my problem, here is some background info:
  • I use a formatted excel spreadsheet as an invoice which I send to customers via email.
  • The invoice number in the spreadsheet is the same as the name of the file,
  • To date, I've been performing all operations manually (Invoice number and spreadsheet name),
  • I've decided that I want to automatically fill in the Invoice number in the spreadsheet from the name of the file, and have worked out a macro that will do it using the WINDOW_OPEN event.
So everything works fine except that my customer must click 'enable macros' when they open my invoice. My goal is therefore to eliminate this requirement.

I moved the code I developed to achieve the above into Personal.xls (which is hidden) and thought it might work. Well, it didn't. The problem is that when I double click the invoice spreadsheet in Windows Explorer, Excel opens the Personal.xls file first, and then opens the file I actually want to edit.

Therefore my code runs when the WINDOW_OPEN event is fired upon loading of Personal.xls, but since my target file is not yet loaded, I don't get what I want. Thus I need to fire the event a second time after the Invoice is loaded, but I don't know how to achieve this.

So my question is, how do I setup my macro in the Personal.xls file to:
1) Execute automatically after the target spreadsheet is loaded,
2) Make the required alterations in the target spreadsheet (not Personal.xls). [This I can workout myself]

This is the code (in Personal.xls) that checks if the opened spreadsheet is an invoice, and if it is, updates the invoice number:
(I know that I will need to index through the opened workbooks once the Invoice is loaded)
Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim InvoiceName As String

If Application.ActiveWindow Is Nothing Then
  ' do nothing
  InvoiceName = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
  If Left(InvoiceName, 3) = "INV" Then
    InvoiceName = Mid(InvoiceName, 4, Len(InvoiceName) - 7)
    Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(14, 11) = InvoiceName
  End If
End If

End Sub
I have search the google groups, but have not been able to find an answer as yet. I have added a class module to Personal.xls hoping to trap the OPEN event but don't know what I should code to process the event correctly.
I have used the following line to expose the events but don't know what's next
Private WithEvents XL As Excel.Workbook

If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks and cheers,