Hi All,

I could really use your help because I can't seem to find a way to get
around this problem.

In File > Page Setup > Sheet > Columns to repeat at left: $A:$B works
fine except....

One of the rows is merged (B to I) and when it's printed, it only
prints what's in column B and cuts off the rest.

I have the options to either not repeat that row on the second page or
repeat the whole row, but not just repeat column B. It's too bad I
couldn't say Columns to repeat at left: A1:B32, then I would be fine,
but that doesn't appear to be an option.

Can I unmerge the row? No, not really. It's a six line high, full
page width cell with a verbage in it that needs to be wrapped and lots
of people will be editing it. Hitting returns at the end of the lines
when editting text is not professional enough for the audiance and the
amount the client is paying for the design.

Any ideas would be much appreciated because I'm really really stuck and
it's an urgent that I figure out something that makes sense soon.

I really want to use Excel, but I'm getting desperate!

Thanks so much if you can help,
