I have the following code in a module, it works fine when I step through the
code, but when run I end up with a Userform that is a white box on the
screen. If I put say a Msgbox in so i can see it time this sub gets called
the Userform is quite readable, what am I missing here?

Sub PleaseWait(OnOff, PW_Message)
' This macro sets up the Please Wait Screen
If OnOff = "ON" Then
If Not PleaseWaitActive Then PleaseWaitDisplay.Show vbModeless
PleaseWaitDisplay.PleaseWaitTextBox.Text = PW_Message
ElseIf OnOff = "OFF" Then
If PleaseWaitActive Then Unload PleaseWaitDisplay
PleaseWaitActive = False
End If
End Sub
