I do have a strange problem with Excel. For a long time I used the "dynamic
matrix" but now, Excel shuts down with an error. I tried it on 4 computers,
all with Excel 2003.

I use this method for searching and dropdownmenus. It works as following:
(sorry, I don't know exact the English formulas):

- Put some data in the range B6:B12 (f.a. Apple Chair Glass Book Television
Key Kitchen)
- In cell C4 type: Sheet1!B4
- In cell C5 type: =text.together("Sheet1!B";numberarg(B:B)) -> result will
be in this situation: Sheet1!B12
- Make a name Test "=indirect(Sheet1!C4):indirect(Sheet1!C5)

So far so good. But now: use the name in a formula: =number.as(Test;"Book").
Excel will shut down and give an error. I've been working for years with it,
and worked fine...

Any solutions available? (with or without a mcro)