Hello. I need to reformat a checksheet I have and I am going to create a sub
to do it for me since I will need to gather well over a thousand variables
and enter them in the appropriate spots. I have little background with VBA
and everything I have learned has been from browsing through this Help Group
and testing out code.

The information I need to gather is from three different worksheets and not
all the information is on all of them. Is there a way that I can make a sub
that will be able to work for all worksheets. I will probably be getting
more worksheets that I will need to use this sub for later so I'd like one
that is very dynamic. I am not exactly sure what I will need right now since
I still need to map out what information I am going to need and where to pull
it from as well as how I am going to pull it. But two things that will help
me right now is if I can run a sub inside a sub and how exactly I can do
that. Also is it possable for me to create an object or something like that
to store many different variables so I can write the program to be very
simple, clean, and efficent?

Thank you very much for your time. I may need to ask more questions later
but for now any sort of example code and explination will help me greatly.
