I am trying to create show different rows to an "order" sheet based on the
answer from a data validation list. So, for example, if the payment type
chosen for this order is "Credit Card" I would like rows 16,17 to pop up,
and if "Check" is chosen i want rows 18,19 to pop up, and so on. And
conversly, if "nothing" is chosen, all the rows are hidden.

I've successfully used something I found on here to show or hide rows based
on a checkbox:

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1 = True Then
Range(Rows(10), Rows(11)).EntireRow.Hidden = False
ElseIf CheckBox1 = False Then
Range(Rows(10), Rows(11)).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End Sub

This works great,, but I would rather use either a simple data validation
list or a combobox. I tried to apply this idea to the content in a cell like

If A15 = "" Then
Range(Rows(10), Rows(11)).EntireRow.Hidden = True
If A15 = "CC" Then
Range(Rows(10), Rows(11)).EntireRow.Hidden = False

but to no avail. I am, like many, such a n00b. Any push in the right
direction would be most appreciated.

BTW, the content here has been invaluable. Whew, ya'll are making me look
good. THX
Murphy''s first law of combat: Incoming fire always has the right of way.