I have a spreadsheet with these columns headings in row 2 (Row 1 contains a
a - blank
b - work order #
c - manufacturer
d - model #
e - unit #
f - location
g - reason
h - type
i - date reported
j - action
k - repaired by
l - repair hours
m - completed on
Data rows begin in row 3 and continue to 65000.
I would like to create 2 macros.
The first macro will prompt the user for a single date and then filter the
data so that it keeps only the rows in which column 'm' is equal to the date
the user entered. Then it will print this report and then restore all data.
The second macro is similar. It will prompt the user for a Unit # (column
'e'), filter the data so that it keeps only the rows in which this unit #
appears. Then it will print this report and then restore all data.

I hope I was clear. This is beyond my abilities. I thank anybody in
advance for their help.