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searching through a string?

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor funkymonkUK's Avatar
    Join Date
    London, England

    searching through a string?

    is there away of searching through a string?

    I have a long string about 130 characters as I have a LONG directory structure. but what I want to do is exact a small part of it.

    eg. c:\1_london for may-06.xls
    eg. c:\2_Kent for may-06.xls

    I have two of the following files what I want to extract is just "London" and just " kent" now i thought of using left/Mid/Right but as you can see they are different lens.

    Any help much appreciate

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor funkymonkUK's Avatar
    Join Date
    London, England
    sorry i forgot to mention that what I am doing is run code which extracts a list of files in a specific folder it then needs to check the file names against a list and then mark off that it exists.

    Example as above

    I have a list which is


    What I want to do is show that London and kent file exists but not sussex.

  3. #3
    Ivan Raiminius

    Re: searching through a string?


    combine mid and worksheetfunction.find

    supposing directory is a string that contains the path, outstring is

    outstring = mid(directory,worksheetfunction.Find
    ("_",directory)+1,worksheetfunction.Find ("
    ("_",directory))-worksheetfunction.Find ("_",directory)-1)


  4. #4
    Forum Contributor funkymonkUK's Avatar
    Join Date
    London, England
    I have the following.

    Sub test1()
    ' Find what the users shared drive is named
    Dim mainpath As String
    Dim lenPath As Integer
    Dim outstring As String
    mainpath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
    lenPath = Len(mainpath) - 17

    outstring = Mid(mainpath, WorksheetFunction.Find("_", mainpath) + 1, WorksheetFunction.Find _
    (" ", mainpath, WorksheetFunction.Find("_", mainpath)) - WorksheetFunction.Find("_", mainpath) - 1)

    mainpath = ""
    lenPath = Blank
    End Sub

    I have run this and get the following error message "1004. Unable to get the find property of the worksheetfuntion class" any ideas?

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor funkymonkUK's Avatar
    Join Date
    London, England
    how would this work if i have say the following file?

    c:\test\1_South East London for May-06.xls

    would this just extract "South"?

    I need to extract where it came from and then mark off that the source's file has been received.

    there is a common thing between the strings in that it will all have _ before the name and then the word "for"" after the name.
    Last edited by funkymonkUK; 05-03-2006 at 06:33 AM.

  6. #6
    Andrew Taylor

    Re: searching through a string?

    You can use the Instr function to check whether
    a given string exists in the filename:

    If Instr(UCase(strFilename), "LONDON")) > 0 Then
    ' filename contains London
    ' it doesn't
    End if

    Note that Instr is case-sensitive, hence the use of UCase.
    It returns the position at which the searched-for string
    begins, or 0 if not found.

    funkymonkUK wrote:
    > how would this work if i have say the following file?
    > c:\test\1_South East London for May-06.xls
    > would this just extract "South"?
    > I need to extract where it came from and then mark off that the
    > source's file has been received.
    > --
    > funkymonkUK
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > funkymonkUK's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=18135
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=538371

  7. #7
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: searching through a string?

    Function ExtractString(s As String)
    Dim s1 As String, ipos As Long
    Dim jpos As Long
    ipos = InStr(1, s, "_", vbTextCompare)
    jpos = InStr(1, s, "for", vbTextCompare)
    s1 = Mid(s, ipos + 1, jpos - ipos - 2)
    ExtractString = s1
    End Function

    Demo'd from the immediate window:
    ? ExtractString("c:\test\1_South East London for May-06.xls")
    South East London
    ? extractString("c:\1_london for may-06.xls")

    Tom Ogilvy

    "funkymonkUK" wrote:

    > how would this work if i have say the following file?
    > c:\test\1_South East London for May-06.xls
    > would this just extract "South"?
    > I need to extract where it came from and then mark off that the
    > source's file has been received.
    > --
    > funkymonkUK
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > funkymonkUK's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=18135
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=538371

  8. #8
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: searching through a string?

    Function ExtractString(s As String)
    Dim s1 As String, ipos As Long
    Dim jpos As Long
    ipos = InStr(1, s, "_", vbTextCompare)
    jpos = InStr(1, s, "for", vbTextCompare)
    s1 = Mid(s, ipos + 1, jpos - ipos - 2)
    ExtractString = s1
    End Function

    Demo'd from the immediate window:
    ? ExtractString("c:\test\1_South East London for May-06.xls")
    South East London
    ? extractString("c:\1_london for may-06.xls")

    Tom Ogilvy

    "funkymonkUK" wrote:

    > how would this work if i have say the following file?
    > c:\test\1_South East London for May-06.xls
    > would this just extract "South"?
    > I need to extract where it came from and then mark off that the
    > source's file has been received.
    > --
    > funkymonkUK
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > funkymonkUK's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=18135
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=538371

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