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What is the verbage in VBA to send files to Excel?

  1. #1

    What is the verbage in VBA to send files to Excel?

    I am looking for the verbage used to send files from another application into
    excel. I am not sure how to create a recordset to do this. I am using Excel

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: What is the verbage in VBA to send files to Excel?

    Here is some code posted by "Bob" a short time ago:

    Sub RunSQL()

    ' Create a connection object
    Dim cnAssyst_Dev As ADODB.Connection
    Set cnAssyst_Dev = New ADODB.Connection

    ' Provide the connection string
    Dim strConn As String

    'Use the SQL Server OLE DB Provider
    strConn = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;"

    'Connect to the Pubs database on the local server

    'Use an integrated login
    strConn = strConn & "User Id=USER;Password=PASS;"

    'Now open the connection
    cnAssyst_Dev.Open strConn

    'Get the start and end dates from Sheet 1
    Dim startDate As String
    Dim endDate As String
    startDate = Range("Sheet1!B17")
    endDate = Range("Sheet1!B18")


    'Set the office to be reported on
    Dim office As String
    office = "OFFICE"

    'Provide the string to hold the SQL Command
    Dim sqlString As String

    'The completed SQL Command
    sqlString = sqlString & "SELECT sla.sla_sc, incident.incident_id,
    incident.inc_resolve_due, incident.inc_resolve_act, "
    sqlString = sqlString & "incident.inc_close_date, incident.inc_status,
    usr_group.usr_group_sc, incident.date_logged, "
    sqlString = sqlString & "incident.time_to_resolve,
    inc_data.total_service_time, incident.inc_resolve_sla, inc_cat.inc_cat_sc "
    sqlString = sqlString & "FROM ((((incident INNER JOIN inc_data ON "
    sqlString = sqlString & "incident.incident_id=inc_data.incident_id) INNER
    JOIN assyst_usr "
    sqlString = sqlString & "ON incident.***_usr_id=assyst_usr.assyst_usr_id)
    INNER JOIN sla ON "
    sqlString = sqlString & "incident.sla_id=sla.sla_id) INNER JOIN inc_cat ON "
    sqlString = sqlString & "incident.inc_cat_id=inc_cat.inc_cat_id) INNER JOIN
    usr_group ON "
    sqlString = sqlString & "assyst_usr.usr_group_id=usr_group.usr_group_id
    WHERE sla.sla_sc<>'' AND "
    sqlString = sqlString & "usr_group.usr_group_sc='" & office & "' AND
    ((incident.date_logged>={ts '" & startDate & " 00:00:00'} "
    sqlString = sqlString & "AND incident.date_logged<{ts '" & endDate & "
    00:00:00'}) OR (incident.inc_close_date>={ts '" & startDate & " 00:00:00'} "
    sqlString = sqlString & "AND incident.inc_close_date<{ts '" & endDate & "
    00:00:00'})OR(incident.inc_status = 'o')or(incident.inc_status = 'p'))
    ORDER BY sla.sla_sc"

    ' Create a recordset object
    Dim rsAssyst_Dev As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rsAssyst_Dev = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rsAssyst_Dev
    ' Assign the Connection object
    .ActiveConnection = cnAssyst_Dev
    ' Extract the required records
    .Open sqlString

    ' Copy the records into cell K2 on Sheet 2
    Sheet2.Range("K2").CopyFromRecordset rsAssyst_Dev

    ' Tidy up
    End With

    Set rsAssyst_Dev = Nothing
    Set cnAssyst_Dev = Nothing

    End Sub

    See Mr. Erlandsen's site for more info:

    Tom Ogilvy

    "marthasanchez" wrote:

    > I am looking for the verbage used to send files from another application into
    > excel. I am not sure how to create a recordset to do this. I am using Excel
    > XP.

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