I need help in automating series generation in a workbook full of scatter
plots. My data is in the sheet “Data” and is formatted as seen below, with
the date in column A, the series in column B (already sorted), and 20 columns
of measurements (I am just showing A and B here). The upper and lower limits
of each measurement are in the same column as the data collected, with a
space separating them. What I need to do is graph the data from the upper
and lower limits and the oven number as different series on each of my 20
charts, with the date as the x-value. The charts are named according to the
measurement column. For example, the data in Measurement A is plotted in
sheet “Measurement A”. The amount of data to be charted can vary greatly, so
I need to have some kind of if statement, where if the oven is 1, then it
goes into series 1 on the graph, instead of specifying data ranges. I am not
sure how this affects matters, but not all oven numbers are always
represented in the data.

I am a VBA newbie and this is out of my range. Can anyone help provide me
with some sample code to follow along with?

I am using Excel 2002.

Date Oven Operator Measurement A Measurement B
4/11/2006 1 Teresa/Dave -0.031 0.04
4/11/2006 1 Teresa/Dave 0.005 0.082
4/11/2006 2 Teresa/Dave -0.031 0.04
4/11/2006 3 Teresa/Dave 0.005 0.082
4/12/2006 4 Teresa/Dave -0.026 0.022
4/12/2006 4 Teresa/Dave -0.026 0.022
4/13/2006 5 Greg -0.027 0.019
4/13/2006 6 Teresa/Dave 0.018 0.044
4/13/2006 7 Teresa/Dave 0.018 0.044

USL 0.06 0.09
USL 0.06 0.09
USL 0.06 0.09
USL 0.06 0.09

LSL -0.06 -0.09
LSL -0.06 -0.09
LSL -0.06 -0.09
LSL -0.06 -0.09

Thank you