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rToRange.value = rFromRange.value = always "rounds" the value.....help?

  1. #1

    rToRange.value = rFromRange.value = always "rounds" the value.....help?

    Hello all,
    I have some pretty simple code that is trying to move the "value" from
    one range to another.....each range happens to be a single cell. Each
    cell has been formatted in the worksheets to be number format
    $#,##0.000000 (i.e. six decimals - yes I am dealing with fractions of a
    Now lets say the value in the rFromRange is equal to $3.235765, I then
    (in code) set the value of the rToRange to be equal to the value in the
    rFromRange.....but what I end up with in the rToRange is $3.240000.....
    I have tried EVERYTHING....I have even tried getting the number format
    from the "from" range and applying it to the "to" range....but to no
    avail.....the number in the result ends up always being rounded to 2
    decimals....and I am beginning to pull my hair out......

    Anyone any ideas?

    Code is pretty straight forward (I have simplified this a bit - but the
    basics are there...)

    Dim rFromRange as Range, rToRange as Range
    set rToRange as Range("whereitsgoing")
    set rFromRange as Range("whereitsfrom")
    rToRange.Value = rFromRange.value

    Please help

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Auckland New Zealand
    MS-Off Ver
    Office Professional 2007
    If they are always single values, can you dim them as single or double data types?


  3. #3

    Re: rToRange.value = rFromRange.value = always "rounds" the value.....help?

    Not quite sure what you mean by that?
    I have at one point tried to get the value out of the range and put it
    into a single (and a double) and then put that value into the
    destination range - but still I get the same result......
    Still Lost.....

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