I have an ADODB connection to a sql server DB and have been using MS query to generate my SQL commands, however they don't seem to work. I have looked similar threads and tried the suggestions but they don't work either. TBH I am not all that sure about the format of such sql commands but have used the following, which work:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ApplicationName " & "FROM tbl1"
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
Set rs = cmd.Execute

if you were to replicate this query in ms Query you would get a different string that does not work, why is this?

I am now having difficulty with the following sql command; I would like to select all ApplicationName from tbl1 where ApplicationName contains java. MS query commands do not work, so I have the following:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ApplicationName " & "FROM tbl1" & "WHERE ApplicationName Like 'java'"

This returns an "incorrect syntax near 'ApplicationName'"
There maybe an obvious mistake I’m making here, but I just don't see it my sql knowledge is very limited.

If anyone can point me in the direction of a good source of correct syntax for sql commands for vba I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance for any advice