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Excel 2003 Performance/Status Bar Quest

  1. #1
    Grumpy Aero Guy

    Excel 2003 Performance/Status Bar Quest

    I have an excel file that performs significant iterations and repetitions
    (extensive VB code) to arrive at various solutions...

    I have a few questions:

    1) Is it just me, or is excel 2003 SP2 MUCH slower than Excel 2000 from a VB

    Work Computer: 512Mb Ram, slower processor than my home computer, Excel 2000

    Home Computer, 1G RAM, faster processor than work computer, Excel 2003 SP2

    Work Computer gets thru the calculations MUCH faster.... ??????????

    Is this expected? Is 2003 more "bloated" than Excel 2000?

    2) On Excel 2003, I DO NOT get the statusbar indicating "Calculating Cells
    XX%" while it's crunching.

    On Excel 2000, I DO see the statusbar.

    In my case, the status bar message is very useful.... Any way to invoke it
    in 2003? I searched KB and didn't find any articles on the statusbar that
    addressed this issue.

    Grumpy Aero Guy

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: Excel 2003 Performance/Status Bar Quest


    Tom Ogilvy

    "Grumpy Aero Guy" wrote:

    > I have an excel file that performs significant iterations and repetitions
    > (extensive VB code) to arrive at various solutions...
    > I have a few questions:
    > 1) Is it just me, or is excel 2003 SP2 MUCH slower than Excel 2000 from a VB
    > standpoint?
    > Work Computer: 512Mb Ram, slower processor than my home computer, Excel 2000
    > Home Computer, 1G RAM, faster processor than work computer, Excel 2003 SP2
    > Work Computer gets thru the calculations MUCH faster.... ??????????
    > Is this expected? Is 2003 more "bloated" than Excel 2000?
    > 2) On Excel 2003, I DO NOT get the statusbar indicating "Calculating Cells
    > XX%" while it's crunching.
    > On Excel 2000, I DO see the statusbar.
    > In my case, the status bar message is very useful.... Any way to invoke it
    > in 2003? I searched KB and didn't find any articles on the statusbar that
    > addressed this issue.
    > --
    > Grumpy Aero Guy

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