Hello All, a newbe here...

I want to know what function(s) to use with this question.
-inside a cell i have the word <Null>, cells(65536,10)
-i want to check another cell for it's value or at least a part of it's
text value [don't want exact full string], cells(65536,4)
-then i want to have the value from cells(65536,4) [value could be
DEV], look up the text in a lookup table, located in another sheet from
the main sheet
the table would be something like... A2-DEV, B2-Development,
A3-POC, B3-proof of concept, etc...
-then i want it to grab the 2nd column [name-Development in B2] and
replace <Null> value within the cells(65536,10) with [Development] as
the name.

Is this possible? I have been studying Vlookup and Index/Match. i am
not sure how to go about it. Thanks all for any ideas.

Keri Taylor