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making cells change relative to each other, cant figure out

  1. #1

    making cells change relative to each other, cant figure out

    my question/problem is kind of weird but here goes. I'm praying
    someone smart and nice with some vba knowledge can help

    I'm doing a food data worksheet for my nutrition class

    I have five columns per food

    quantity, calories. protein, carbs, fat

    the foods are also in rows

    What i want to do is enter the food data in for each food and
    then have it so later on if i want to change a value in any of
    the columns, the rest will move relative to the one

    for example, if 1 oz chicken breast is 46 calories, 1 gram fat,
    0 carb, 9 protein. I can change the protein to be 25 (multiplied
    by 2.778) the rest will multipy their current values by 2.7778

    I talked to some people and heard vba is probably the only way
    to do it and i am clueless when it comes to that. Any help with
    an appropriate script for what im trying to do would be much

    thanks in advance

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  2. #2

    Re: making cells change relative to each other, cant figure out

    One way that you could do this without delving into the depths of VBA
    is by using the SOLVER add-in.

    For each food relate all other "properties" to it's weight - if cell
    B2 is "Chicken Breast" and C2 is "Weight" (= 1oz) then D2 (say) is
    Protein (=C2*9). All other properties would need to be similarly
    related. All foods would need to be 'Calibrated' against 1 oz.

    To increase all values to match Protein =25 run Solver with a Target
    Cell of $D$2, To Equal a Value of 25 by Changing Cells $C$2. Because
    all other cells are related to C2 when Solver finds the solution for
    Protein all of the other values for that food will be updated.

    For this to work the Solver add-in must be on your machine and it must
    also be enabled - tick the Solver add-in box under <tools><add-ins>.

    All of this of course could be achieved using VBA but if you just want
    a quick and easy solution ....

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