I have a fuction ABC that defines days of the week in a month (example June
1, 2006 = Thurday) for all days in a month based on passed Excel ser_number.
Function has an internal array (WeekDays) to hold this data. At the end I
need to assign these values to return. How is this done, because what I did
didn't work?
Note: wkDaysInM is the range name defined on the Excel sheet D.
the ABC fuction is placed for the range as = ABC(C!F1)
see below...

'assign the weekday (example: Monday) to the range
For i = 1 To 31
smfGetWkDayfromDate.Range("wkDaysInM").Offset(i - 1, 0) = WeekDays(i)
Next i
End Function

Would you please help me.
Many thanks.
