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checking in vba if item is found within a range

  1. #1

    checking in vba if item is found within a range

    I have used the following code in the past but it no longer works in the
    newer versions of Excel. Is there another way to check if an item is found or
    not within a range.

    Evern though it shows c equal to Nothing in watch mode, the code used below
    gives an error.

    Sub testFindDate()
    With Range("K4:K45")
    Set c = .Find("7/1/2006")
    End With
    If c.Value = "Nothing" Then
    MsgBox "not found"
    MsgBox c.Address
    End If

  2. #2
    Jim Cone

    Re: checking in vba if item is found within a range

    Sub testFindDate()
    Dim c As Excel.Range
    Set c = Range("K4:K45").Find("7/1/2006")
    If c Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "not found"
    MsgBox c.Address
    End If
    End Sub
    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    I have used the following code in the past but it no longer works in the
    newer versions of Excel. Is there another way to check if an item is found or
    not within a range.
    Evern though it shows c equal to Nothing in watch mode, the code used below
    gives an error.

    Sub testFindDate()
    With Range("K4:K45")
    Set c = .Find("7/1/2006")
    End With
    If c.Value = "Nothing" Then
    MsgBox "not found"
    MsgBox c.Address
    End If

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