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Copying Values to another Workbook

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  1. #1

    Copying Values to another Workbook

    I want to use a macro so that evertime i run an analysis tool in a workbook,
    I can copy the data into another file. So my questions are

    1) Can I accomplish this without opening the other (index) file. The only
    method I know right now is to do something like Windows("Index.xls).Activate
    ,etc. Is there some way I can automactially open the file?

    2)The data added would be appended at the last row of the index file. How
    should I accomlish this? I think I would need a FOR loop and a cell<>""
    check, but how would specify that the macro only looks down one column?
    i.e. I would want it to look down column A and skip row 1-10 and then check
    against each cell value to see if there's any value that exists in the cell.

    3) How do I copy absolute values. ActiveCell = "=[Filename.xls]Main!R3C3"
    would give me a link, but I just need the absolute values.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Ron de Bruin

    Re: Copying Values to another Workbook

    Maybe this ?

    See the last example that use another workbook

    Regards Ron de Bruin

    "Ren" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    >I want to use a macro so that evertime i run an analysis tool in a workbook,
    > I can copy the data into another file. So my questions are
    > 1) Can I accomplish this without opening the other (index) file. The only
    > method I know right now is to do something like Windows("Index.xls).Activate
    > ,etc. Is there some way I can automactially open the file?
    > 2)The data added would be appended at the last row of the index file. How
    > should I accomlish this? I think I would need a FOR loop and a cell<>""
    > check, but how would specify that the macro only looks down one column?
    > i.e. I would want it to look down column A and skip row 1-10 and then check
    > against each cell value to see if there's any value that exists in the cell.
    > 3) How do I copy absolute values. ActiveCell = "=[Filename.xls]Main!R3C3"
    > would give me a link, but I just need the absolute values.
    > Thanks in advance

  3. #3

    Re: Copying Values to another Workbook


    I do have a few problems though.
    VBA doesn't seemt o recognize bIsBookOpen()

    How do I copy single cell values

    destWB.Worksheets("Index").Cell("A" & Lr).Value =

    gives me an error message.

    As does

    Set destrange = destWB.Worksheets("Index").Range("D" & Lr)

    "Ron de Bruin" wrote:

    > Maybe this ?
    > http://www.rondebruin.nl/copy1.htm
    > See the last example that use another workbook
    > --
    > Regards Ron de Bruin
    > http://www.rondebruin.nl
    > "Ren" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > >I want to use a macro so that evertime i run an analysis tool in a workbook,
    > > I can copy the data into another file. So my questions are
    > >
    > > 1) Can I accomplish this without opening the other (index) file. The only
    > > method I know right now is to do something like Windows("Index.xls).Activate
    > > ,etc. Is there some way I can automactially open the file?
    > >
    > > 2)The data added would be appended at the last row of the index file. How
    > > should I accomlish this? I think I would need a FOR loop and a cell<>""
    > > check, but how would specify that the macro only looks down one column?
    > > i.e. I would want it to look down column A and skip row 1-10 and then check
    > > against each cell value to see if there's any value that exists in the cell.
    > >
    > > 3) How do I copy absolute values. ActiveCell = "=[Filename.xls]Main!R3C3"
    > > would give me a link, but I just need the absolute values.
    > >
    > > Thanks in advance


  4. #4
    Ron de Bruin

    Re: Copying Values to another Workbook

    Hi Ren

    Read this below the macro

    **Copy this function together with the LastRow function in the module**
    Copy this also in the module

    Function bIsBookOpen(ByRef szBookName As String) As Boolean
    ' Rob Bovey
    On Error Resume Next
    bIsBookOpen = Not (Application.Workbooks(szBookName) Is Nothing)
    End Function

    Function LastRow(sh As Worksheet)
    On Error Resume Next
    LastRow = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
    After:=sh.Range("A1"), _
    Lookat:=xlPart, _
    LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
    SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Function

    Regards Ron de Bruin

    "Ren" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks,
    > I do have a few problems though.
    > VBA doesn't seemt o recognize bIsBookOpen()
    > How do I copy single cell values
    > destWB.Worksheets("Index").Cell("A" & Lr).Value =
    > sourceWB.Worksheets("Main").Cell("C3")
    > gives me an error message.
    > As does
    > Set destrange = destWB.Worksheets("Index").Range("D" & Lr)
    > "Ron de Bruin" wrote:
    >> Maybe this ?
    >> http://www.rondebruin.nl/copy1.htm
    >> See the last example that use another workbook
    >> --
    >> Regards Ron de Bruin
    >> http://www.rondebruin.nl
    >> "Ren" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    >> >I want to use a macro so that evertime i run an analysis tool in a workbook,
    >> > I can copy the data into another file. So my questions are
    >> >
    >> > 1) Can I accomplish this without opening the other (index) file. The only
    >> > method I know right now is to do something like Windows("Index.xls).Activate
    >> > ,etc. Is there some way I can automactially open the file?
    >> >
    >> > 2)The data added would be appended at the last row of the index file. How
    >> > should I accomlish this? I think I would need a FOR loop and a cell<>""
    >> > check, but how would specify that the macro only looks down one column?
    >> > i.e. I would want it to look down column A and skip row 1-10 and then check
    >> > against each cell value to see if there's any value that exists in the cell.
    >> >
    >> > 3) How do I copy absolute values. ActiveCell = "=[Filename.xls]Main!R3C3"
    >> > would give me a link, but I just need the absolute values.
    >> >
    >> > Thanks in advance


  5. #5

    Re: Copying Values to another Workbook


    I do have a few problems though.
    VBA doesn't seemt o recognize bIsBookOpen()

    How do I copy single cell values

    destWB.Worksheets("Index").Cell("A" & Lr).Value =

    gives me an error message.

    As does

    Set destrange = destWB.Worksheets("Index").Range("D" & Lr)

    "Ron de Bruin" wrote:

    > Maybe this ?
    > http://www.rondebruin.nl/copy1.htm
    > See the last example that use another workbook
    > --
    > Regards Ron de Bruin
    > http://www.rondebruin.nl
    > "Ren" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > >I want to use a macro so that evertime i run an analysis tool in a workbook,
    > > I can copy the data into another file. So my questions are
    > >
    > > 1) Can I accomplish this without opening the other (index) file. The only
    > > method I know right now is to do something like Windows("Index.xls).Activate
    > > ,etc. Is there some way I can automactially open the file?
    > >
    > > 2)The data added would be appended at the last row of the index file. How
    > > should I accomlish this? I think I would need a FOR loop and a cell<>""
    > > check, but how would specify that the macro only looks down one column?
    > > i.e. I would want it to look down column A and skip row 1-10 and then check
    > > against each cell value to see if there's any value that exists in the cell.
    > >
    > > 3) How do I copy absolute values. ActiveCell = "=[Filename.xls]Main!R3C3"
    > > would give me a link, but I just need the absolute values.
    > >
    > > Thanks in advance


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