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Toolbar Help - keeping it specific

  1. #1

    Toolbar Help - keeping it specific

    I have read a few threads on here and none of them seem to either work
    or be simplistic enough for me to understand...

    I have a toolbar (Name: Premier League) and I want it to work only with
    one workbook (Name: PremierLeague.xls).

    I have attached the toolbar to this workbook but it is available with
    every workbook.

    The toolbar has buttons that contain the club crest of every club in
    the premier league. I do not want to lose the pictures from the buttons
    so the 'delete on closing, create on opening' code does not work...

    Is there anyway of making this toolbar disappear when other
    spreadsheets are open and reappear when I open PremierLeague.xls?



  2. #2

    Re: Toolbar Help - keeping it specific

    In the vb editor, open your PremierLeague.xls project. In the
    "ThisWorkbook" code select the Workbook_Activate Event and place this
    Application.CommandBars("Premier League").Visible = True
    Now select the Workbook_Deactivate Event and place this code
    Application.CommandBars("Premier League").Visible = False

    Charles Chickering
    xl Geek

    [email protected] wrote:
    > I have read a few threads on here and none of them seem to either work
    > or be simplistic enough for me to understand...
    > I have a toolbar (Name: Premier League) and I want it to work only with
    > one workbook (Name: PremierLeague.xls).
    > I have attached the toolbar to this workbook but it is available with
    > every workbook.
    > The toolbar has buttons that contain the club crest of every club in
    > the premier league. I do not want to lose the pictures from the buttons
    > so the 'delete on closing, create on opening' code does not work...
    > Is there anyway of making this toolbar disappear when other
    > spreadsheets are open and reappear when I open PremierLeague.xls?
    > Cheers
    > Jamie

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