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Macro to extract data and paste to a new sheet

  1. #1

    Macro to extract data and paste to a new sheet

    Could anyone please help
    I have what you would call a 'typical' spreadsheet i.e. categories across
    row 1, dates down column A then a value against certain categories on certain
    What I'm trying to do is create a macro that extracts the data, the date and
    and the category to a new work sheet but only where data actually exists.
    I'm essentially trying to create a data table from the existing worksheet.

  2. #2
    Norman Jones

    Re: Macro to extract data and paste to a new sheet

    Hi Les,

    Try something like:

    Public Sub CopyTable()
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim SH As Worksheet
    Dim destsh As Worksheet
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim copyRng As Range
    Dim destrng As Range
    Dim CalcMode As Long
    Dim ViewMode As Long

    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook '<<===== CHANGE
    Set SH = WB.Sheets("Sheet1") '<<===== CHANGE
    Set destsh = WB.Sheets("Sheet2") '<<===== CHANGE
    Set destrng = destsh.Range("A1") '<<===== CHANGE

    Set rng = SH.Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))

    On Error GoTo XIT

    With Application
    CalcMode = .Calculation
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    End With

    With ActiveWindow
    ViewMode = .View
    .View = xlNormalView
    End With

    SH.DisplayPageBreaks = False

    For Each rCell In rng.Cells
    If Application.CountA(rCell.EntireRow) > 1 Then
    If copyRng Is Nothing Then
    Set copyRng = rCell
    Set copyRng = Union(rCell, copyRng)
    End If
    End If
    Next rCell

    If Not copyRng Is Nothing Then
    copyRng.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=destrng
    'nothing found, do nothing
    End If

    With Application
    .Calculation = CalcMode
    .ScreenUpdating = True
    End With

    ActiveWindow.View = ViewMode

    End Sub


    "Les" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Could anyone please help
    > I have what you would call a 'typical' spreadsheet i.e. categories across
    > row 1, dates down column A then a value against certain categories on
    > certain
    > dates.
    > What I'm trying to do is create a macro that extracts the data, the date
    > and
    > and the category to a new work sheet but only where data actually exists.
    > I'm essentially trying to create a data table from the existing worksheet.
    > Regards
    > Les.

  3. #3

    Re: Macro to extract data and paste to a new sheet

    Hi Norman
    Thanks for the help and the very quick response.
    I know my way around Excel but I'm afraid I'm still getting used to VB.
    Could you tell me what is being said in the 'Set' lines of code where you
    are saying 'change'.

    "Norman Jones" wrote:

    > Hi Les,
    > Try something like:
    > '================>>
    > Public Sub CopyTable()
    > Dim WB As Workbook
    > Dim SH As Worksheet
    > Dim destsh As Worksheet
    > Dim rng As Range
    > Dim rCell As Range
    > Dim copyRng As Range
    > Dim destrng As Range
    > Dim CalcMode As Long
    > Dim ViewMode As Long
    > Set WB = ActiveWorkbook '<<===== CHANGE
    > Set SH = WB.Sheets("Sheet1") '<<===== CHANGE
    > Set destsh = WB.Sheets("Sheet2") '<<===== CHANGE
    > Set destrng = destsh.Range("A1") '<<===== CHANGE
    > Set rng = SH.Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
    > On Error GoTo XIT
    > With Application
    > CalcMode = .Calculation
    > .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    > .ScreenUpdating = False
    > End With
    > With ActiveWindow
    > ViewMode = .View
    > .View = xlNormalView
    > End With
    > SH.DisplayPageBreaks = False
    > For Each rCell In rng.Cells
    > If Application.CountA(rCell.EntireRow) > 1 Then
    > If copyRng Is Nothing Then
    > Set copyRng = rCell
    > Else
    > Set copyRng = Union(rCell, copyRng)
    > End If
    > End If
    > Next rCell
    > If Not copyRng Is Nothing Then
    > copyRng.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=destrng
    > Else
    > 'nothing found, do nothing
    > End If
    > XIT:
    > With Application
    > .Calculation = CalcMode
    > .ScreenUpdating = True
    > End With
    > ActiveWindow.View = ViewMode
    > End Sub
    > '<<================
    > ---
    > Regards,
    > Norman
    > "Les" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Could anyone please help
    > > I have what you would call a 'typical' spreadsheet i.e. categories across
    > > row 1, dates down column A then a value against certain categories on
    > > certain
    > > dates.
    > > What I'm trying to do is create a macro that extracts the data, the date
    > > and
    > > and the category to a new work sheet but only where data actually exists.
    > > I'm essentially trying to create a data table from the existing worksheet.
    > > Regards
    > > Les.
    > >
    > >


  4. #4
    Norman Jones

    Re: Macro to extract data and paste to a new sheet

    Hi Les,

    > I know my way around Excel but I'm afraid I'm still getting used to VB.
    > Could you tell me what is being said in the 'Set' lines of code where you
    > are saying 'change'.

    > Set WB = ActiveWorkbook '<<===== CHANGE

    If the code is to operate on the active workbook, no change is required. If
    the code is to operate on the workbook holding the code, change this line

    Set WB = ThisWorkbook

    If, the code is to operate on another workbook, you will need to provide the
    name, e.g.:

    Set WB = Workbooks("Les.xls")

    where Les.xls is the name of the workbook of interest.

    > Set destsh = WB.Sheets("Sheet2") '<<===== CHANGE

    Replace Sheet2 with the name of the sheet which is to receive the copied

    > Set destrng = destsh.Range("A1") '<<===== CHANGE

    ReplaceA1 with the address of the first cell of the destination range for
    the copied data.


    "Les" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Norman
    > Thanks for the help and the very quick response.
    > I know my way around Excel but I'm afraid I'm still getting used to VB.
    > Could you tell me what is being said in the 'Set' lines of code where you
    > are saying 'change'.
    > Thanks
    > Les.

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