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Field delimiter formatting

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  1. #1

    Field delimiter formatting

    Hey all,

    I need to format a text file that has about 2500 entries, set up in 3
    fields like this: machinename # a coment goes here

    This file has gotten updated over the years, but the field delimiters
    havent been kept constant: some are single tabs (good), others are
    several spaces/tabs (bad). If I could format the file in such a way
    that the 3 fields are separated by a single tab, that would make
    importing the file into Excel far cleaner.

    I've thought about adding a method to my macro that goes through the
    text file and replaces all spaces with a single tab, but unfortunately
    this would also be done to the comments, which I can't have happen. All
    spaces, and multiple tabs separating the 3 fields need to be replaced
    with a single tab, and anything after the '#' sign needs to be left as

    Is there a way that this delimiter formatting can happen after
    importing into excel, or is it something that needs to be done into a
    temp file before importing? Any and all help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: Field delimiter formatting

    Hi Roman,

    Import into Excel as it is, all in one column.
    Then Data>Text to columns, with # as the delimiter. Now your comment is safe.
    Then insert enough blank columns and do another Data>Text to columns, check all possible delimiters and check "Treat consecutive
    delimiters as one"

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten
    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "RomanR" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    | Hey all,
    | I need to format a text file that has about 2500 entries, set up in 3
    | fields like this:
    | machinename # a coment goes here
    | This file has gotten updated over the years, but the field delimiters
    | havent been kept constant: some are single tabs (good), others are
    | several spaces/tabs (bad). If I could format the file in such a way
    | that the 3 fields are separated by a single tab, that would make
    | importing the file into Excel far cleaner.
    | I've thought about adding a method to my macro that goes through the
    | text file and replaces all spaces with a single tab, but unfortunately
    | this would also be done to the comments, which I can't have happen. All
    | spaces, and multiple tabs separating the 3 fields need to be replaced
    | with a single tab, and anything after the '#' sign needs to be left as
    | is.
    | Is there a way that this delimiter formatting can happen after
    | importing into excel, or is it something that needs to be done into a
    | temp file before importing? Any and all help is appreciated.
    | Thanks in advance,
    | Roman

  3. #3

    Re: Field delimiter formatting

    When you import the data into Excel (Data>Get external Data>Import Text), as
    well as setting the delimiter, there is an option to treat multiple
    delimiters as one.
    So that should get the 3 columns into Excel. You can then use TRIM to remove
    excess spaces.
    Then .SaveAs a tab delimted file.
    Would that work ?


    "RomanR" <[email protected]>
    ???????:[email protected]...
    > Hey all,
    > I need to format a text file that has about 2500 entries, set up in 3
    > fields like this:
    > machinename # a coment goes here
    > This file has gotten updated over the years, but the field delimiters
    > havent been kept constant: some are single tabs (good), others are
    > several spaces/tabs (bad). If I could format the file in such a way
    > that the 3 fields are separated by a single tab, that would make
    > importing the file into Excel far cleaner.
    > I've thought about adding a method to my macro that goes through the
    > text file and replaces all spaces with a single tab, but unfortunately
    > this would also be done to the comments, which I can't have happen. All
    > spaces, and multiple tabs separating the 3 fields need to be replaced
    > with a single tab, and anything after the '#' sign needs to be left as
    > is.
    > Is there a way that this delimiter formatting can happen after
    > importing into excel, or is it something that needs to be done into a
    > temp file before importing? Any and all help is appreciated.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Roman

  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: Field delimiter formatting

    Sub CleanFile()
    Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
    Dim iloc As Long
    Dim SourceNum As Integer
    Dim DestNum As Integer
    Dim Temp As String

    ' If an error occurs, close the files and end the macro.
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    ' Open the destination text file.

    DestNum = FreeFile()
    Open "C:\Data\DEST.TXT" For Output As DestNum

    ' Open the source text file.
    SourceNum = FreeFile()
    Open "C:\Data\SOURCE.TXT" For Input As SourceNum

    ' Read each line of the source file.
    ' clean it up and write it to the
    ' destination file.
    Do While Not EOF(SourceNum)
    Line Input #SourceNum, Temp
    iloc = InStr(1, Temp, "#", vbTextCompare)
    If iloc <> 0 Then
    s1 = Left(Temp, iloc - 1)
    s2 = Right(Temp, Len(Temp) - iloc)
    s1 = Temp
    s2 = ""
    End If
    s1 = Application.Trim(s1)
    s1 = Replace(s1, " ", vbTab)
    Do While InStr(1, s1, vbTab & vbTab, vbTextCompare) > 0
    s1 = Replace(s1, vbTab & vbTab, vbTab)
    If Len(Trim(s2)) > 0 Then
    Print #DestNum, s1 & "#", s2
    Print #DestNum, s1
    End If


    ' Close the destination file and the source file.
    Close #DestNum
    Close #SourceNum
    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "Error # " & Err & ": " & Error(Err)
    Resume CloseFiles

    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "RomanR" wrote:

    > Hey all,
    > I need to format a text file that has about 2500 entries, set up in 3
    > fields like this:
    > machinename # a coment goes here
    > This file has gotten updated over the years, but the field delimiters
    > havent been kept constant: some are single tabs (good), others are
    > several spaces/tabs (bad). If I could format the file in such a way
    > that the 3 fields are separated by a single tab, that would make
    > importing the file into Excel far cleaner.
    > I've thought about adding a method to my macro that goes through the
    > text file and replaces all spaces with a single tab, but unfortunately
    > this would also be done to the comments, which I can't have happen. All
    > spaces, and multiple tabs separating the 3 fields need to be replaced
    > with a single tab, and anything after the '#' sign needs to be left as
    > is.
    > Is there a way that this delimiter formatting can happen after
    > importing into excel, or is it something that needs to be done into a
    > temp file before importing? Any and all help is appreciated.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Roman

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