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limiting characters in a cell

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    limiting characters in a cell

    hello, please help!!!
    briefly,i have to enter data in an excel worksheet,and after that, i have to cope everything and paste it in another program( AS/400 this is not important) ,and the problem is that the AS/400 needs to have specific number of characters in every column, what i want to do , is to write a function, or a small program in VBA so that i can identify the number of characters in every column..
    1.going to data>validation>text length ... doesnt work, cause i want it to erase automatically what is beyond the length needed
    2. the function LEFT(A1;10) for example is not working in my excel 2002, i don't know why, maybe if it works it would be great,but it seems that excel is not recognising it
    3.in VBA

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub
    Target = Left(Target, 2)
    End Sub
    is working,but i when i paste more than one cell in more than one cell in the column 2 (in this example) it is giving me an error, moreover,i don't know how to write it in order to program many columns at the same time...
    thanks for help

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Do you want to limit it 10 characters or 2 characters?

    =left(a1,10) is 10 (I use a comma in my USA version)

    target = left(target,2) is only 2 characters.

    In either case, maybe this will help:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    Dim myCell As Range

    Set myRngToCheck = Me.Range("b:b,c3:d9,x:x,Q:S")

    If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    myCell.Value = Left(myCell.Value, 10)
    Next myCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub

    I checked all of column B, just the cells in C3:D9, all of column X and all the
    cells in columns Q:S.

    You can modify that the way you need.

    I'd add some more checks--ignore numbers, dates, anything you need to ignore.

    abouassi wrote:
    > hello, please help!!!
    > briefly,i have to enter data in an excel worksheet,and after that, i
    > have to cope everything and paste it in another program( AS/400 this is
    > not important) ,and the problem is that the AS/400 needs to have
    > specific number of characters in every column, what i want to do , is
    > to write a function, or a small program in VBA so that i can identify
    > the number of characters in every column..
    > 1.going to data>validation>text length ... doesnt work, cause i want it
    > to erase automatically what is beyond the length needed
    > 2. the function LEFT(A1;10) for example is not working in my excel
    > 2002, i don't know why, maybe if it works it would be great,but it
    > seems that excel is not recognising it
    > 3.in VBA
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub
    > Target = Left(Target, 2)
    > End Sub
    > is working,but i when i paste more than one cell in more than one cell
    > in the column 2 (in this example) it is giving me an error, moreover,i
    > don't know how to write it in order to program many columns at the same
    > time...
    > thanks for help
    > --
    > abouassi
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > abouassi's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=37591
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=572165


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    This operates on all pasted cells in columns 2,3,4,5,8 and 9. Just edit
    to suit your needs

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, 10)
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    almost working

    thanks a lot for your help, you have solved half of my problem
    the other part is because i don't know a lot in VBA(just how to write) and it concerns how can i associate in the same code(or in different codes)for every column different number of characters..anyways,i don't have a lot of columns(about 10) so i can do it manually..the code you gave me works perfectly well for only one column...
    for example
    i need column A to have 20 characters
    column B to have 1 character
    column C to have 19 character
    and so on...
    i appreciate your help, thank you

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date

    one more note

    for the numbers i used 10 and 2 , they were just examples, i can manage changing the numbers later...
    thank you

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    hi again
    the code Mr Ken Johnson gave me functions very good too, but still a problem,
    in this code i'm able to identify which columns i need, but what i need is to associate for every column different length
    example :
    for column A -> 20 characters
    for column B -> 3 characters
    for column C -> 10 characters
    don't worry for the numbers 20 , 3, 10, they are just examples, i can manage changing them later
    thank you

  7. #7
    Dave Peterson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    First, please respond to your other thread in .misc that you have an active
    thread in .programming. There is no reason to have other people work on a
    solution if you find one here. And there is no reason for others to work on a
    response here if you get a solution from that other post.

    It's not fair to the responders to multipost like this.

    But this seemed to work ok for me:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim myLengths As Variant
    Dim myCols As Variant
    Dim iCol As Long

    myCols = Array(1, 5, 12) 'A, E, L
    myLengths = Array(10, 2, 5)

    Set myRngToCheck = Me.Columns(myCols(LBound(myCols)))
    For iCol = LBound(myCols) + 1 To UBound(myCols)
    Set myRngToCheck = Union(myRngToCheck, Me.Columns(myCols(iCol)))
    Next iCol

    If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    'the arrays are 0 based, so we subtract 1 from the match
    iCol = Application.Match(myCell.Column, myCols, 0) - 1
    If Len(myCell.Value) > myLengths(iCol) Then
    myCell.Value = Left(myCell.Value, myLengths(iCol))
    End If
    Next myCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub

    abouassi wrote:
    > thanks a lot for your help, you have solved half of my problem
    > the other part is because i don't know a lot in VBA(just how to write)
    > and it concerns how can i associate in the same code(or in different
    > codes)for every column different number of characters..anyways,i don't
    > have a lot of columns(about 10) so i can do it manually..the code you
    > gave me works perfectly well for only one column...
    > for example
    > i need column A to have 20 characters
    > column B to have 1 character
    > column C to have 19 character
    > ......
    > ......
    > and so on...
    > i appreciate your help, thank you
    > --
    > abouassi
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > abouassi's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=37591
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=572165


    Dave Peterson

  8. #8
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    This incorporates the change you are looking for, just edit "Case 1, 2,
    3" and add extra Cases to suit your needs.
    For example if column 5 (E) is to have 12 characters then...

    line 3 becomes Case 1, 2, 3, 5

    and after the 16th line add...
    Case 5
    iNumChars = 12

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  9. #9

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    hi,i'm sorry for working in both forums, infact , this is the first
    time i use it, and i didn't know that they are the same...
    everything is working great, but forgive me, i still have a small
    problem that i've just noticed. is it possible if the number of
    characters in a cell is less than a specifique number , to fill the
    rest with an empty space...
    column A contains 7 characters, if i insert
    "hello world" i have to get "hello w" (without the quotations)
    and if i insert
    "be" i get "be "

    thanks a lot people, you are great

    Ken Johnson a =E9crit :

    > Hi,
    > This operates on all pasted cells in columns 2,3,4,5,8 and 9. Just edit
    > to suit your needs
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > Select Case Target.Column
    > Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
    > Application.EnableEvents =3D False
    > Dim rngCell As Range
    > On Error Resume Next
    > For Each rngCell In Target
    > rngCell.Value =3D Left(rngCell.Value, 10)
    > Next rngCell
    > Application.EnableEvents =3D True
    > Case Else
    > End Select
    > End Sub
    > Ken Johnson

  10. #10

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    hi again,if you still have patiency to reply me, a test to make sure
    that a program works is to copy data from an excel file, after fixing
    the lengths, in a word file, and to have the result in a word as
    follows ( example:

    qqqqqqqq xxx ttttttttttttttttttt vvvvvvvvvvvv
    qqqqqqqqqqqqqq xxx ttttt vvv
    qqq x vvvvvvvvvv
    qqqqqq xxxxxxxx ttttttttttttttttt v

    A,B,C and D are just the names of the columns,and the " - " are just to
    show the length of every column,and the idea is that every column have
    a specifique length, if i enter a data in a cell which has more
    characters than the length of the cell itself, it has to be reduced to
    the length associated, and if the number of characters of the word i'm
    entering is less than the length, white spaces are to be filled,...

    i appreciate your help, thanks very much

  11. #11
    Registered User
    Join Date

    limiting characters in a cell

    hi again,the form of the text i've writing has changed, i hope you got my idea..thanks

  12. #12
    Dave Peterson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    This worked ok for me:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim myLengths As Variant
    Dim myCols As Variant
    Dim iCol As Long

    myCols = Array(1, 5, 12) 'A, E, L
    myLengths = Array(10, 2, 5)

    Set myRngToCheck = Me.Columns(myCols(LBound(myCols)))
    For iCol = LBound(myCols) + 1 To UBound(myCols)
    Set myRngToCheck = Union(myRngToCheck, Me.Columns(myCols(iCol)))
    Next iCol

    If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    'the arrays are 0 based, so we subtract 1 from the match
    iCol = Application.Match(myCell.Column, myCols, 0) - 1
    myCell.Value _
    = Left(myCell.Value & Space(myLengths(iCol)), myLengths(iCol))
    Next myCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub

    AAA wrote:
    > hi,i'm sorry for working in both forums, infact , this is the first
    > time i use it, and i didn't know that they are the same...
    > everything is working great, but forgive me, i still have a small
    > problem that i've just noticed. is it possible if the number of
    > characters in a cell is less than a specifique number , to fill the
    > rest with an empty space...
    > example
    > column A contains 7 characters, if i insert
    > "hello world" i have to get "hello w" (without the quotations)
    > and if i insert
    > "be" i get "be "
    > thanks a lot people, you are great
    > Ken Johnson a écrit :
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > This operates on all pasted cells in columns 2,3,4,5,8 and 9. Just edit
    > > to suit your needs
    > >
    > > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > > Select Case Target.Column
    > > Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
    > > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > > Dim rngCell As Range
    > > On Error Resume Next
    > > For Each rngCell In Target
    > > rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, 10)
    > > Next rngCell
    > > Application.EnableEvents = True
    > > Case Else
    > > End Select
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > > Ken Johnson


    Dave Peterson

  13. #13
    Dave Peterson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Or maybe this one:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim myLengths As Variant
    Dim myCols As Variant
    Dim iCol As Long

    myCols = Array(1, 5, 12) 'A, E, L
    myLengths = Array(10, 2, 5)

    Set myRngToCheck = Me.Columns(myCols(LBound(myCols)))
    For iCol = LBound(myCols) + 1 To UBound(myCols)
    Set myRngToCheck = Union(myRngToCheck, Me.Columns(myCols(iCol)))
    Next iCol

    If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    'the arrays are 0 based, so we subtract 1 from the match
    iCol = Application.Match(myCell.Column, myCols, 0) - 1
    If Trim(myCell.Value) = "" Then
    'leave it alone
    myCell.Value _
    = Left(myCell.Value & Space(myLengths(iCol)), myLengths(iCol))
    End If
    Next myCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub

    I don't know what should happen if you clear the contents of one of those
    cells. Should that be left alone or padded with spaces????

    AAA wrote:
    > hi,i'm sorry for working in both forums, infact , this is the first
    > time i use it, and i didn't know that they are the same...
    > everything is working great, but forgive me, i still have a small
    > problem that i've just noticed. is it possible if the number of
    > characters in a cell is less than a specifique number , to fill the
    > rest with an empty space...
    > example
    > column A contains 7 characters, if i insert
    > "hello world" i have to get "hello w" (without the quotations)
    > and if i insert
    > "be" i get "be "
    > thanks a lot people, you are great
    > Ken Johnson a écrit :
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > This operates on all pasted cells in columns 2,3,4,5,8 and 9. Just edit
    > > to suit your needs
    > >
    > > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > > Select Case Target.Column
    > > Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
    > > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > > Dim rngCell As Range
    > > On Error Resume Next
    > > For Each rngCell In Target
    > > rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, 10)
    > > Next rngCell
    > > Application.EnableEvents = True
    > > Case Else
    > > End Select
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > > Ken Johnson


    Dave Peterson

  14. #14
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  15. #15
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  16. #16
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  17. #17
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  18. #18
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  19. #19
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  20. #20
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  21. #21
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  22. #22
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  23. #23
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  24. #24
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  25. #25
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  26. #26
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  27. #27
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  28. #28
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  29. #29
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell


    I'm sure Dave's solutions are the way to go.
    Here's mine just for fun:-)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Column
    Case 1, 2, 3 'Edit to suit your needs
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim iNumChars As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each rngCell In Target
    Select Case rngCell.Column
    'Add extra Cases and edit to suit your needs
    Case 1
    iNumChars = 20
    Case 2
    iNumChars = 3
    Case 3
    iNumChars = 10
    End Select
    If Len(rngCell.Value) < iNumChars Then
    rngCell.Value = rngCell.Value & _
    Space(iNumChars - Len(rngCell.Value))
    Else: rngCell.Value = Left(rngCell.Value, iNumChars)
    End If
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Case Else
    End Select
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  30. #30
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Bloody Server Errors!

    Ken Johnson

  31. #31

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    good morning..
    concerning the empty cell, yes, i want to fill it with white spaces
    too, and the code down solves this problem,but i still have a small
    problem,"see down":

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim myLengths As Variant
    Dim myCols As Variant
    Dim iCol As Long

    myCols = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) 'A, E, L
    myLengths = Array(20, 30, 13, 10)

    Set myRngToCheck = Me.Columns(myCols(LBound(myCols)))
    For iCol = LBound(myCols) + 1 To UBound(myCols)
    Set myRngToCheck = Union(myRngToCheck,
    Next iCol

    If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    'the arrays are 0 based, so we subtract 1 from the match
    iCol = Application.Match(myCell.Column, myCols, 0) - 1
    myCell.Value _
    = Left(myCell.Value & Space(myLengths(iCol)),
    Next myCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub
    this code works very good, the only problem i'm facing is that when the
    data in a cell is of type " standard" or " number" or anything
    else,filling the rest of the characters with empty space is not
    working.Only when its in the form of a text, do i always have to change
    it to text to use it, or there is a way...
    one more question, when i copy data from excel to word, a tab(big empty
    space) instead of the lines seperating the columns always exsits, is
    it possible to remove it..
    thank you a lot, promise to stop bothering you with my problem.

  32. #32
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Hi AAA,

    a possible solution to your first problem is to either manually format
    your columns as Text or insert...

    myCell.NumberFormat = "@"

    into the code so that numbers are actually text and the spaces are

    If you decide to do the formatting with the code then your new code
    will be...

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim myLengths As Variant
    Dim myCols As Variant
    Dim iCol As Long

    myCols = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) 'A, E, L
    myLengths = Array(10, 3, 20, 10)

    Set myRngToCheck = Me.Columns(myCols(LBound(myCols)))
    For iCol = LBound(myCols) + 1 To UBound(myCols)
    Set myRngToCheck = Union(myRngToCheck, _
    Next iCol

    If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    'the arrays are 0 based, so we subtract 1 from the match
    iCol = Application.Match(myCell.Column, myCols, 0) - 1
    myCell.NumberFormat = "@" 'added to format cell as Text
    myCell.Value _
    = Left(myCell.Value & Space(myLengths(iCol)), _
    Next myCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub

    Sorry I don't know about your other problem.

    Ken Johnson

  33. #33
    Dave Peterson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Just to add to Ken's response.

    You may want to use the .text property (for dates???).

    myCell.NumberFormat = "@" 'added to format cell as Text
    myCell.Value _
    = Left(myCell.Text & Space(myLengths(iCol)), _

    And I don't know the answer about the MSWord question. Maybe running
    Table|convert after pasting would be sufficient?????

    Ken Johnson wrote:
    > Hi AAA,
    > a possible solution to your first problem is to either manually format
    > your columns as Text or insert...
    > myCell.NumberFormat = "@"
    > into the code so that numbers are actually text and the spaces are
    > added.
    > If you decide to do the formatting with the code then your new code
    > will be...
    > Option Explicit
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > Dim myRngToCheck As Range
    > Dim myCell As Range
    > Dim myLengths As Variant
    > Dim myCols As Variant
    > Dim iCol As Long
    > myCols = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) 'A, E, L
    > myLengths = Array(10, 3, 20, 10)
    > Set myRngToCheck = Me.Columns(myCols(LBound(myCols)))
    > For iCol = LBound(myCols) + 1 To UBound(myCols)
    > Set myRngToCheck = Union(myRngToCheck, _
    > Me.Columns(myCols(iCol)))
    > Next iCol
    > If Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck) Is Nothing Then
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > On Error Resume Next 'just keep going!
    > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > For Each myCell In Intersect(Target, myRngToCheck).Cells
    > 'the arrays are 0 based, so we subtract 1 from the match
    > iCol = Application.Match(myCell.Column, myCols, 0) - 1
    > myCell.NumberFormat = "@" 'added to format cell as Text
    > myCell.Value _
    > = Left(myCell.Value & Space(myLengths(iCol)), _
    > myLengths(iCol))
    > Next myCell
    > Application.EnableEvents = True
    > On Error GoTo 0
    > End Sub
    > Sorry I don't know about your other problem.
    > Ken Johnson


    Dave Peterson

  34. #34
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Hi AAA,

    before you paste into Word you could insert into Word a suitable sized
    table. Before you paste into the table select all the table cells so
    that it's not all pasted into the one cell.
    You could then format the table using the Borders and shading dialog.

    Ken Johnson

  35. #35

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    hi again,
    i just want to thank you very much,
    i work in a french company, they were about to pay more than 500 euros
    to do a project, and the code you gave me makes it very easy..u deserve
    that money (anyway,i didn't take it)
    thanks a lot

    Ken Johnson a =E9crit :

    > Hi AAA,
    > before you paste into Word you could insert into Word a suitable sized
    > table. Before you paste into the table select all the table cells so
    > that it's not all pasted into the one cell.
    > You could then format the table using the Borders and shading dialog.
    > Ken Johnson

  36. #36
    Ken Johnson

    Re: limiting characters in a cell

    Hi AAA,
    You're welcome.
    Thanks for those kind words.
    Ken Johnson

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