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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Ok - I'm at that pulling out hair stage and I haven't got that much left!

    I'm using the formula below to determine whether a team has Won Drawn or Lost a match based upon the result.


    The result of the formula is either, W, D, or L.

    I have created a small table that incorporates a list of the teams on the left and three additional columns with a heading W, D, L respectively. Using VLOOKUP add the following formula alongside each team under the appropriate heading as below:


    H4 = Team name
    Table array = home
    Number of columns to move right = 2

    This gives a result of #N/A.

    What I want it to do is simply add the number of instances the club name appears in my table array and count or add the number W, D, L it sees.

    Driving me nuts at the moment - so any pointers appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance


  2. #2

    RE: Vlookup

    I'm not sure how my example will show up, but here goes:

    Column G has your formula in it.
    Column H (in the cell under Team is where you type the team
    for which you want to count results.

    The formulas under the wins/draws/losses cells are array formulas. (Press
    when typing them in rather than just pressing ENT)

    You'll have to imagine the rows numbers:
    win formula: =SUM(IF($E$4:$E$12=$H$2,IF($G$4:$G$12="W",1,0)))
    draw formula: =SUM(IF($E$4:$E$12=$H$2,IF($G$4:$G$12="W",1,0)))
    loss formula: =SUM(IF($E$4:$E$12=$H$2,IF($G$4:$G$12="W",1,0)))

    If you have entered the formual correctly it will be enclosed in curly
    braces {}.

    C D E F G
    Team A Score Team B Score Result Wins Draws Losses
    AA 5 BB 4 W 2 3 1
    AA 10 BB 10 D
    AA 15 BB 16 L
    AA 5 CC 6 L
    AA 10 BB 10 D
    AA 15 BB 14 W
    AA 5 BB 5 D
    AA 10 CC 11 L
    AA 15 CC 12 W

    Les Torchia-Wells

    "kreatiff" wrote:

    > Ok - I'm at that pulling out hair stage and I haven't got that much
    > left!
    > I'm using the formula below to determine whether a team has Won Drawn
    > or Lost a match based upon the result.
    > =IF($F4="","",(IF($F4<$C4,"W",(IF($F4>$C4,"L",(IF($F4=$C4,"D","")))))))
    > The result of the formula is either, W, D, or L.
    > I have created a small table that incorporates a list of the teams on
    > the left and three additional columns with a heading W, D, L
    > respectively. Using VLOOKUP add the following formula alongside each
    > team under the appropriate heading as below:
    > =VLOOKUP(H4,home,2)
    > H4 = Team name
    > Table array = home
    > Number of columns to move right = 2
    > This gives a result of #N/A.
    > What I want it to do is simply add the number of instances the club
    > name appears in my table array and count or add the number W, D, L it
    > sees.
    > Driving me nuts at the moment - so any pointers appreciated.
    > Many thanks in advance
    > J
    > --
    > kreatiff
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > kreatiff's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=37732
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=573223

  3. #3

    RE: Vlookup

    My example did not come through very well.
    Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for a better sample.
    Les Torchia-Wells

    "kreatiff" wrote:

    > Ok - I'm at that pulling out hair stage and I haven't got that much
    > left!
    > I'm using the formula below to determine whether a team has Won Drawn
    > or Lost a match based upon the result.
    > =IF($F4="","",(IF($F4<$C4,"W",(IF($F4>$C4,"L",(IF($F4=$C4,"D","")))))))
    > The result of the formula is either, W, D, or L.
    > I have created a small table that incorporates a list of the teams on
    > the left and three additional columns with a heading W, D, L
    > respectively. Using VLOOKUP add the following formula alongside each
    > team under the appropriate heading as below:
    > =VLOOKUP(H4,home,2)
    > H4 = Team name
    > Table array = home
    > Number of columns to move right = 2
    > This gives a result of #N/A.
    > What I want it to do is simply add the number of instances the club
    > name appears in my table array and count or add the number W, D, L it
    > sees.
    > Driving me nuts at the moment - so any pointers appreciated.
    > Many thanks in advance
    > J
    > --
    > kreatiff
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > kreatiff's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=37732
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=573223

  4. #4
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Vlookup

    You could create a pivot table, based on your home table, to summarize
    the data. There are instructions and links here:


    When you create the pivot table, put team name in the row area, Win/Lose
    in the Column area, and another copy of team name in the data area,
    where it will show as Count of Team.

    kreatiff wrote:
    > Ok - I'm at that pulling out hair stage and I haven't got that much
    > left!
    > I'm using the formula below to determine whether a team has Won Drawn
    > or Lost a match based upon the result.
    > =IF($F4="","",(IF($F4<$C4,"W",(IF($F4>$C4,"L",(IF($F4=$C4,"D","")))))))
    > The result of the formula is either, W, D, or L.
    > I have created a small table that incorporates a list of the teams on
    > the left and three additional columns with a heading W, D, L
    > respectively. Using VLOOKUP add the following formula alongside each
    > team under the appropriate heading as below:
    > =VLOOKUP(H4,home,2)
    > H4 = Team name
    > Table array = home
    > Number of columns to move right = 2
    > This gives a result of #N/A.
    > What I want it to do is simply add the number of instances the club
    > name appears in my table array and count or add the number W, D, L it
    > sees.
    > Driving me nuts at the moment - so any pointers appreciated.
    > Many thanks in advance
    > J

    Debra Dalgleish

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks to both of you to responding to my plea for help...

    Shouldn't I be using VLOOKUP ? and is it possible to SUM or COUNT using VLOOKUP ?


    I'll have a close look at your suggestions :-)

  6. #6
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Vlookup

    A VLOOKUP formula returns one value from a table, so it wouldn't sum or
    count the values.

    Another option is to use SUMPRODUCT, as described here:


    substituting cell references for the typed values.

    kreatiff wrote:
    > Thanks to both of you to responding to my plea for help...
    > Shouldn't I be using VLOOKUP ? and is it possible to SUM or COUNT using
    > VLOOKUP ?
    > -----------
    > I'll have a close look at your suggestions :-)

    Debra Dalgleish

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Its so easy to forget the basic stuff sometimes, thanks for your effort. I can see how this works... let you know how it goes.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    A further update:

    The design has moved on as I wasn't able to find a solution to use VLOOKUP to count or sum multiple cells:

    I've now created columns with the team name at the top of the spreadsheet going left to right. Underneath each team I have listed Week 1, Week 2 etc... going down the page, with alongside the result W, D, or L. At the bottom I have used the COUNT function to sum the total number of draws, wins or losses.

    I'm now having a problem - and really shouldn't be - with a straight forward IF statement. As LES offered earlier with his suggestion... using the following should do/say this:

    If range A12:A17 equals "TEAM NAME" then VLOOKUP L2 (which is the TEAM NAME) in table array A12:B17 select the value in the second column and return nothing if not found.

    =IF(A12:A17="TEAM NAME",VLOOKUP($L$2,A12:B17,2,0),"")

    However the result is always a blank cell, as it doesn't appear to recognise the TEAM NAME.

  9. #9
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Thanks for your SUMPRODUCT option, I must try this and get back to you...



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