I'm sure this have been asked before, however I have searched several different variations and can't seem to find the answer. I have 2 columns, one has a date and the other has a time. I have tried several ways of combining these 2 columns with no success. I'm fairly new when it comes to VBA code so sorry for the newbie question.
Here is the code I'm currently trying to use. When I run the macro I get a runtime error 13, missmatch type.

LastRow = Range("A65532").End(xlUp).Row
LastValue = Range("F" & LastRow).Value2 + 1
 counter = 2
Do Until counter = LastValue + 1
    Range("T" & counter).Value2 = Range("I" & counter).Value2 + Range("K" & counter).Value2
    counter = counter + 1
I then tried this code just to see if I was making an error with the counter etc...
 Range("T2").Value2 = Range("I2").Value2 + Range("K2").Value2