I have been able to do this, using both late and early binding, when my machine is "logged-on" to our network. However, I also need to do this when my machine is "logged-off"; neither early nor late binding is working -- the primary data file becomes "locked for editing" by the network. (The VBA code is in a .xlA file stored on my hard drive; a Scheduled Task opens this file at a specified time each day.) The Scheduled Task fires, but becomes locked in "Running" mode. We are running Office 2003 and Windows XP Pro.

Below is my early binding code procedure:

Public Sub Import_From_WORD_Tables()

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim objDoc As Word.Document
Dim wordvalue As Variant
Dim j As Integer

Dim lngErrNo As Long
Dim strErrSrc As String
Dim strErrDesc As String

On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
PrimaryDataWB.Activate '<<== this is primary data file
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Visible = False

Set objDoc = Documents.Open(myPathPF_BATCH & "T and A.rtf")

'For "Rows" 1 - 8 in Table 1
For j = 1 To 8
wordvalue = objDoc.Tables(1).Columns(4).Cells(j + 2)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3).Cells(j + 17, 11) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(wordvalue)
Next j


Set objDoc = Nothing
Set objWord = Nothing

Exit Sub

lngErrNo = Err.Number
strErrSrc = "->ADJUSTMENT_TEST()->" & Err.Source
strErrDesc = Err.Description

'Disable error handling
On Error GoTo 0

Err.Raise lngErrNo, strErrSrc, strErrDesc

End Sub

I have been able to determine that the macro crashes at the 'Set objWord = ...' statement above.
Since I am running this logged-off, the above error trapping is doing nothing for me. Any ideas?

TIA, I appreciate your help.