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Hey! Where'd My Menu Go??

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  1. #1
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    Hey! Where'd My Menu Go??

    Well, I finally forced myself to learn Macros in Excel to save time doing projects at work. I'm running Excel 2003.

    My question really is not about macros, but about a missing menu. When I first started, I clicked Tools/ Macros / Macro and this cute, little 1"X1" menu box popped open on the page. In that box was a command to let me run the macro I created either from the absolute top of the page, or to start from a designated row further down the page. Well, I can't get that menu box to open any more, somehow I lost it with trying and re-trying in my attempts to create a properly working macro and it suddenly just quit appearing.

    I now have my macro running properly and auto-eliminating needless rows, but every time I start it, it jumps to the top of the page sheet and runs. What I need is for it to start where I designate and continue on from there. In that little menu box was a click-command to have it do just that, and now I can't find the menu. I must go to Tools/Macro/Macros and RUN the macro from there, but there is no option to have it run from a designated point.

    Hope I am clear; does anyone know how I can get that little, cute menu back again??????

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Good afternoon ranchhand

    This catches so many people out.

    Go to Tools > Macro > Record New Macro
    Now right click on the toolbar at the top and look for the "Stop Recording" toolbar. Select it.
    Click on the stop recording button.

    Next time you start to record a macro the mini toolbar will reappear.


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  3. #3
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    Hi Dominic, thanks for the reply!

    click on the toolbar at the top
    Ah yes, there's the rub! I have tried multiple times to R-click on the blue "Record Macro" header at the top of the menu, and I get only "Move" and "Close" as options. Nothing else. Either I am missing something or some toolbar is not being loaded that should be loading. Can you tell me what the "tool bar" is that you are referring to? I have searched vainly everywhere, including "VIEW/TOOLBARS" and can find nothing that resembles a Macro Toolbar as such. Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Hi ranchhand

    If you right click on a toolbar at the top (or a menubar) it should show all your toolbars, but the macro record one won't show until you start to record a macro. You can see the same list of toolbars byt going to View >Toolbars.



  5. #5
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    Thanx I lost mine too, now it's back where it belongs.
    "There are 10 kinds of people in the world, Those that understand binary, and those that don't."

  6. #6
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Hi lrhodes

    ...as I said it catches so many people out (me too, once!). Appreciate the feedback.


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