
I have a combobox list, that is populated from a column of data on a worksheet. Using the _change even with the combobox, how do I find the value of the column to the right of the selected option in the combobox. The value being on the right of the list on the worksheet.

This is what I have so far, but it doesn't work.

Private Sub SelectAgentComboBox_Change()

Dim SelectedAgent As String
Dim SelectedAgentID As String

SelectedAgent = Cells.Find(What:=SelectInputTypeComboBox.Value, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Row

SelectedAgentID = Workbooks(MainDocumentName).Worksheets(ControlDataSheetz).Cell(SelectedAgentID, 2).Value

'This is just for testing.
MsgBox "selectedAgentID :" & SelectedAgentID, vbOKOnly

AgentIDTextbox.Text = SelectedAgentID
AgentIDFrame.Visible = True
End Sub
As you can guess the combobox lists all agents, and when an agent is selected their agent ID is shown. the agent's names are taken from column E, and the corresponding agent ID is column F :

E | F
agent 1 | 1
agent 2 | 2
agent 3 | 3


For some reason, I know this is simple, but as per me, I know I am over
complicating it.... it's a curse for me.

Any help with this is apreciated.
