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"Button" appears when mouseover...

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    "Button" appears when mouseover...

    Hello Everyone!

    Is it possible that a button be hidden, but appears when the mouse cursor "floats" over it?

    In other words, a mouseover?

    Thanks in Advance

    Thanks to everyone who supports this group and Happy Holiday's.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewExcelUser
    Hello Everyone!

    Is it possible that a button be hidden, but appears when the mouse cursor "floats" over it?

    In other words, a mouseover?

    Thanks in Advance

    Thanks to everyone who supports this group and Happy Holiday's.

    can't remember where from, but somewhere alomg the way I picked up this, maybe it will help you.

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    Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for the post. Not quite what I was looking for though.


  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    Hi User,

    I assume that what you did not like about Bryan's offering is that it is a form, and you want the disappearing button to be on a worksheet, not on a form.

    See this thread, I think this might be closer to what you have in mind ... http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=583364

    The problem, here, of course, is that it is a chart instead of a worksheet. First, let me explain why this is so easy to do with a chart or form, but not so easy to do with a worksheet. Both the form and the chart are endowed by their creators with "Events" which include move mouse and mouse click events.

    A worksheet is not so endowed. In a few minutes you will know why not.

    OK ... there is a way to get exactly what (I think) you want on a worksheet. To execute it, you will need to use Win32 API functions and subclass the worksheet. If when you are finished reading you decide this is a really cool idea and you want the code, I will post it (or at least post a link to it).

    What you do with subclassing is get your code between the Windows operating system and the application. So, everytime the mouse moves, Excel wants to know where the mouse moved to and if it needs to do something (like display a cell comment, for example). When you sub-class the worksheet window, you trap the message and decide to act on it or ignore it or alter it in some way, before Excel sees it.

    It is very powerful. But, there is a problem. There are so many Windows messages being sent to a worksheet window that it will overwhelm your code and Excel will stall completely. Whether you have a dual-core processor or not. In my experience, the only safe time to sub-class Excel is when it is hidden (no kidding).

    That's about the long and short of it. Wish I had better news for you.

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