I currently have a macro that I created to compare two reports and to give me the difference between the two. Since I will run this report every quarter, I would like to automate such that if today's date is between the beginning of the FY08Q1 and the end of FY08Q1, then compare the two reports for that specific period. Any help is much appreciated. My current code is below:

Application.Run "'DFO Recon.xls'!AdminExpense"
Windows("DFO Recon.xls").Activate
Windows("Admin Expense Report 2007Q4.xls").Activate
Sheets("AdminExpense").Copy After:=Workbooks("DFO Recon.xls").Sheets(1)
Sheets("AdminExpense").Name = "Admin Expense Report"
Windows("Admin Expense Report 2007Q4.xls").Activate
Windows("DFO Recon.xls").Activate
Sheets("DFO Recon").Select
Application.Run "'DFO Recon.xls'!UnauditedAdminExpense"
Sheets("UnauditedAdminExpense").Copy After:=Workbooks("DFO Recon.xls").Sheets(2)
Sheets("UnauditedAdminExpense").Name = "Unaudited Admin Expense Report"
Sheets("DFO Recon").Select