I really don't understand what's wrong with my types.

I'm using Option Explicit declarations.
I have a string (libstr) defined as a public variable.
I have a secondary sub that is being called by my main sub, and this secondary sub alters libstr and sends it to another function.
This third function returns a string, based on libstr.

The applicable code should be this:

Option Explicit
Public dateassess As Date, Counter As Integer, LastRow As Long, libstr As String

Sub NewRate()
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "rateAssign"
End Sub

Sub rateAssign()
    For p = 1 To LastRow
        q = ActiveSheet.Cells(p, "M").Value
        If IsDate(q) Then
            If Month(q) = Month(dateassess) Then
                libstr = Cells(p, "M").Offset(0, 5).Value
                Cells(p, "M").Offset(0, -3).Value = Worksheets("Calcs").Cells(Counter, 2).Value + LibAdj(libstr) / 10000
            End If
            Counter = Counter + 1
        End If
    Next p
End Sub

Function LibAdj(ByVal libstr As String) As Double

  Dim D As Double
  Dim I As Long
  Dim N As Long
  Dim SubStr As String
      LibAdj = 0
      SubStr = "-": GoSub FindNumber
      SubStr = "+": GoSub FindNumber

  Exit Function
      I = InStr(N + 1, libstr, SubStr)
      If I > 0 Then N = I
    Loop While I > 0
    If N <> 0 Then LibAdj = Val(Mid(libstr, N, Len(libstr) - N + 1))

End Function
The error takes place in rateAssign, on the line where the function LibAdj is called.

Any help at all would be encouraging.