WB2 contains new data which must be incorporated into WB1
I will loop thru every cell in WB2 Col A (this I can do)
For this example I’m defining FindIt instead of the loop code

For each line in WB2 I have to find the match in Column A in WB1
Col A WB 1 is sorted alpha-numerically & I can Text to Column as Text if necessary

If there’s no exact Match I need to find the closest match greater than the entry
This is so I can insert a line and add it where it belongs (this I can do)

If FindIt is a number it can find Exact Match & Close Match
When it is text, Exact Match works, but I get a Type Mismatch Error on the Close Match
I’ve tried Text to Columns
I’ve tried WorksheetFunction.Match
As soon as you change the Match criteria 0 to –1 it fails.

Excerpts from my very dissimilar data are:

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