I'd sure appreciate anyone's help (if possible) reference creating a macro, which would allow me to click on a particular cell, which will have an ID number (1 through 34), each ID# is attributed to a particular employee. These ID# are located in my spreadsheet in columns B & G, and the ID #'s begin initially in B6 & G6 and continue downward to B34 & G34. These ID #'s are used in a vlookup type formula which covers 35 pages of this workbook. What I'd like to do is be able to click on any cell between B6& B34 (and/or the same in G6&G34), which has a particular ID # in it and have the photo of that particular employee designated with that ID# pop up in a window generated by the macro. I hope this makes sense! Any help would be greatly appreciated. My 1st sheet in my workbook is my "lookup" tab, which contains my ID# list and numbering sequence affiliated to each employee. So I'm not sure if I'd need to put the photograph of the employee in a column next to the employees name or have a folder designated with all my pictures in a certain directory, etc. Thanks for any suggestions if this in fact even possible...