At my work we have daily raw data that is released on a server, in excel format. What I would normally do is wait for that data to be posted (usually around 5pm or so), copy and paste the cells into a easier to read report that i send to my work group. Whats frustrating, is that I dont like waiting for the report, it would be nice if it were automatic which would free me to do other things away from my desk.

So my question is, if there is a report thats based on a set numerical value equal to the previous day. So, the report for today would have been named report09162007.xls, what code would I use if I wanted a macro to automaticly check the server for the new file, if not available, then wait until it is, when its available run the macro that grabs the data i need and have it send off an e-mail to a designated group....

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance?