Just wondering if there is a more concise way to write this code. I just need it to put a zero in front of all single digit values, so 1 = 01.

Sub AddaZero()
For i = 1 To 9
    If ActiveCell.Value = "1" Then
        ActiveCell.Value = "01"
    End If
        If ActiveCell.Value = "2" Then
        ActiveCell.Value = "02"
        End If
            If ActiveCell.Value = "3" Then
            ActiveCell.Value = "03"
            End If
                If ActiveCell.Value = "4" Then
                ActiveCell.Value = "04"
                End If
                    If ActiveCell.Value = "5" Then
                    ActiveCell.Value = "05"
                    End If
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    Next i

end sub