Hi guys,

I assume it's possible to use array types in classes, but when I try and do the complier doesn't like my get property. I think this it's because I'm trying to pass it a variable. But I assume there is a way as otherwise it wouldn't be possible to ref an array with a get property statement.

Here is my code.

Private mavardteExDate() As Date  

Public Property Let dteExDate(ByVal vData As Date)

    ReDim Preserve mavardteExDate(UBound(mavardteExDate) + 1)
    mavardteExDate(UBound(mavardteExDate) - 1) = vData   
End Property

Public Property Get dteExDate(item As Integer) As Date

    dteExDate = mavardteExDate(item)
End Property
Any advice would be good as I'm relatively new to classes in VBA, so looking to learn.

Thanks again,