Have a lot of data organized on worksheet "closed cases". Need the worksheet to be organized by day. Currently am calling the following macro from another macro and then using a delete duplicate rows to get the duplicate dates out but I know there's an easier way to do it code wise. Have over 6000 rows so the duplicate one is not ideal.

I want the macro to check column B for today's date and if it exists, do nothing, if it does not exist, put today's date under the last row of data.

Here's what I currently have. I put the paste special in there so that the date doesn't change. I'm not very good at if then statements yet

Sub today()
Sheets("Closed Cases").Select
Range("B65000").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Formula = "=today()"
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub