Hi, Who can help me?

I made two buttons (macro's) to save files.
For instant: When a user opens file A123.xls, he uses the button 'Save_A123' into a predefined folder (C:\savelocation ) The macro uses the save-as function to save the file with filename A123.XLS)
When a user opens file B456, he uses the button 'Save_B456' into the same predefined folder (C:\savelocation )

(Another routine is handling this different kind of excelsheets in this location)

because there are two buttons I may occur that the user first opens the A123.xls file, but pushes the wrong button: SAVE_B456

Now the A123 file will be saved as B456.XLS! (And the routine is not vthat bsmart and will handle this file thining that this IS a B file in stead of a A file)

I want to protect this so the user can not push the wrong button by mistake;
When he opens the file A123.xls, he may only use the SAVE_A123 button (and of course when he uses the B456 file, he may only use the B Button.

Who can help me to prevent mistakes from the users by make this macro more save?

Kind regards,