
I am wondering if anyone can help with a rather complex problem. I need to extract timing data for button presses for 2 separate (repeated) trials. The problem is that the button presses in both trials are coded the same way. I have already written formulae that return the start and end locations of the second trial type, and I have managed to count the number of button presses that occur within the second trial. Presumably, I could write formulae that will calculate the same information for the first trial.

The part I need help with is to create a formula that will return the timing information for each button press in each condition. I have previously used VLOOKUP to find the name of conditions and return the timing information from a different column and I was wondering if there is a way to modify this to return the timing for each button press in each trial in each condition. The number of button presses varies by participant and by trial but there are a fixed number of trials in each run.

I hope this makes sense... if any further information is required, please do not hesitate to ask, and thanks for any help you can offer.
