I have to calculate bonus payments for people working O/S. I have a 5 year calendar in month blocks (60 months/columns). In each month there is a percentage 'time O/S' figure. If an employee is O/S for 3 consecutive months they get bonus 'A', 6 consective months bonus 'B', etc.
How can I evaluate the 60 columns, returning the number of times 100% occurs in 3 consecutive months/columns.
I have found examples of similar solutions but they will return a value of 3 if there are 5 consecutive months of 100%...
ie. 100 100 100 100 100
= 100 100 100 *** ***
& *** 100 100 100 ***
& *** *** 100 100 100
= 3
but I need it to equal 1

Hope this makes sense to someone else???
