Hello -

I have a spreadsheet with a button that saves a worksheet directly to the users C drive. Below is the code that is assigned to the button:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
' Saves file in Excel format
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Range("I3").Value & ".xls")
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Range("I3") is a cell that has a string of text with the file path and description of how to save it:

=CONCATENATE("C:\Test Folder\",Test!$E$3)
E3 is a cell that has another concatenate that results in a name like _2008312_1048. _2008312 is 03/12/2008; _1048 is the time the file was saved.

I have been asked to change this so it saves to a 'Test Folder' in a user's 'My Documents' folder. Being on a network, the path changes; it's listed as C:\Documents and Settings\[random user name]\My Documents\Test Folder.

Is there a way for me to acheive this?

Thank you!